2mm Blue Metal Cracker Dust

2mm Blue Metal Cracker Dust

AUD $80.00 /m³

Also called Crusher Dust, Blue Metal Dust or Decomposed Granite, Cracker Dust is a fine crushing of locally quarried granite (commonly known as Blue Metal) screened to less than 2mm

Most commonly used as the base for artificial / synthetic lawns or paving, providing a much firmer base than Brickies Sand while still able to be easily screeded and compacted

Also used as a trench base and packing for drainage pipes

We recommend spreading at a minimum of 100mm coverage to obtain a rock solid foundation for your artificial lawn or paving project

Cracker Dust is not recommended for vehicle traffic or driveways, unless being applied under paving. Our Blue Metal Road Base is a much better alternative for driveways as it is specifically designed for this purpose and made to Australian Main Roads Standards. For trafficable artificial lawn, Blue Metal Road Base should be spread at 100mm and compacted, then 20mm of 2mm Crusher Dust spread over the top to allow for screeding

By delivering our products to customers directly from the quarry, we are able to operate at a fraction of the cost of typical landscape yards and pass these savings directly to our customers offering you Perth’s best prices on all your landscape and garden supplies

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