Below are our terms and conditions that apply when placing an order. Confirmation of the shopping cart implies acceptance of the below terms and conditions
Unfortunately, due to the nature of how our delivery trucks operate, we are unable to provide times for deliveries. If you require your order for a specific day, please book delivery for the day before to ensure it is on site for the day required. If you really need to be home for the delivery, we are happy to send you an text message as the truck gets loaded and on its way. Please Contact Us if you have special requirements and we will always try to accommodate
Each product will need to be delivered separately so each will require a separate order to be placed
If you would like to place a tarp/ground cover for your product to be placed on, please ensure that it is spread and adequately weighted by 7am on the day of delivery
Delivery will be made to the verge of your property unless other arrangements have been made
Rear lane way deliveries are only possible where there is adequate space to deliver the product without obstructing the lane way
Mini trucks require clearance of 3m width and 5m overhead to allow for tipping, more clearance is required for larger truck deliveries
We are unable to deliver under trees with low hanging branches
We are unable to deliver under low power lines or transmission lines from the power pole to the house
Our trucks are unable to drive on sandy or boggy ground. We require a minimum of compacted Road Base to drive on
If the requested delivery site is not accessible, your product will be placed in the nearest suitable location – All decisions as to site suitability rest with the driver
Cancellations must be received and processed minimum 24 hours before the scheduled delivery date – Delivery fee will not be refunded if less than 24 hours notice is given
All products will remain the property of Soil Yourself until full payment has been received (Trade account customers)
Prices and delivery charges displayed on the website are for Perth Metro deliveries only. Contact Us for a custom quote for deliveries outside of the Perth metro area